La falsa suicida

Two classic characters par excellence: Ophelia and Horace from Shakespeare's play ¨Hamlet¨, reviewed this time by Angelica Liddell, from the perspective of pain, shame, and the brutality of human relations. Moreover, if we resort to brutality, we will find those infernal passages of two beings in solitude, one with the other violated in their condition and in their existence. A false suicide and a false hero. In addition, from the horror throw, the stage universe will explain our actions against others with the necessity of affection and caress.

Año: 2017

Lugar: Teatro Zentro en la Merced. Ciudad México.

Escritor: Angélica Liddell

Director: Sixto Castro Santillán

Actores: Francisco Granados, Andrómeda Mejía/Leticia Olvera alternando 

Diseño de espacio e iluminación: Leticia Olvera y Abimael Méndez.

Vestuario: Abimael Méndez 

Asistentes de producción: Armani Cabrera y Manu Garba

Fotografía: Germán Romero Pérez

Teaser: Belén Valenzuela

Video: César Gálvez

Registro de voz en off: Leonardo Santiago

"With this play we approach the Turbulent Beauty; from there, we reaffirm our desire to expose and harm ourselves from human darkness and misery."
"The presence of risk, of irruption, is lived inside and outside and begins with us. We build a total experience: each element has a purpose in itself that is magnified in the interaction with the whole."