The other

Scenic project about people who are at the border of an emotional state. Their race, gender, economic situation, and ideology do not matter. They have been emotionally broken by various circumstances, and that has led them to lose their fear of doing and saying whatever they are or think regardless of the consequences. They are people that do not fit into this reality, who feel that something is wrong and at some point of despair, they try to escape but they realize that it is not possible, that this is how this reality is, this is how the world works and there is nothing that can be done, so there are two options: acceptance or denial.

Año: 2019

Lugar: Bruselas, Bélgica

Director: Augusto Pedraza (Bachelorthesis Directing RITCS)

Coach de Dirección: Bart Capelle en Ruud Gielens

Performers: Michel Charpentier, Peter Palasthy, Lavinia Nowak, Leticia Olvera, Serena Emiliani, Julia Bondone, Oscar Briou, Wan Lan Yu

Técnico: Thomas Braekevelt (Podiumtechnieken RITCS)

Coach técnico: Harry Cole

Producción: RITCS Theatre Department y La Corte de los Milagros

"Internationalization of the company."