White room

It is a virtual work deconstructed in 4 rounds that happens in live streaming. It is a collective and interdisciplinary world between four women who question the feminine on an archetypal, not stereotypical level; inspired by the text Ring Side by Daniel Veronese. It is an exploration of the private space, the imaginaries and meanings, which as women lived.

Año: 2020

Lugar: https://fb.watch/1GylUc4lsE/

Creación Colectiva

Diseño multimedia: Yoatzin Balbuena

Diseño gráfico: Leticia Olvera

Performers: Andrómeda Mejía, Leticia Olvera, Gabriela Rosero, Yoatzin Balbuena

"For us, it meant adaptation, flexibility, risk. The piece evolves according to the conditions of each process: intervention of a specific space, virtual format with live streaming, the virtual format in recorded mode, and soon in a face-to-face format."