Leticia Olvera
Actriz, productora escénica, diseñadora de espacios escénicos y de iluminación

A woman who constantly looks into the void. The creative worlds which she has given herself are mostly abysses. They are never a safe territory, they are always a wreck that forces her to climb up from unknown shores and look for at the horizon from the top.

She is a traveler, but with strong roots. Her first anchor is the visual arts; the second, the performing arts. Both disciplines allowed her to develop aesthetic research for the design of non-conventional spaces for the stage.

Her acting training has been in independent workshops and courses with Víctor Carpinteiro, Rocío Belmont, Sixto Castro Santillán, Verónica Bujeiro, Laura Almela, Mayra Sérbulo José Alberto Gallardo and Alberto Villarreal. With international instructors such as Jorge Dubatti (Argentina), Nicolás Lisoni (Argentina) and Sandra Milena (Colombia).

Her interdisciplinary work as a stage creator, illuminator and actress has been directed by Hayde Lachino, Guillermo Navarro, Alberto Estrella, Gabriela Rosero, Adrián Darío, Darling Lucas, Rocío Belmont, Sixto Castro Santillán, Desirée Rivera, Augusto Pedraza y Victor Carpinteiro.

In 2019 she participated in a Residency for stage creation with Erasmushogeschool Brussel in Brussels, Belgium for the production of The other. In the same year, she was awarded within the Festival Teatro Casa Tanicho on the Design of Scenic Space category for "Broken or Necropower".